Emily Gilbert

Schaumburg Township Library District Board

Andrea will continue to be an important voice for equality in Schaumburg!


Emily Gilbert is a bisexual librarian, scholar, and parent running to keep her seat on the Schaumburg Township District Library board of trustees. She was elected to the board in 2021, and has spent that time advocating for library staff and marginalized populations in the community. She served as treasurer in 2023-2024, during which time the library completed its second floor renovation including a new tech classroom, teen center, and makerspace for the community. She is passionate about equitable access to shared resources, and has a deep knowledge of library issues due to her career in the field. Emily is an assistant professor and liaison librarian at University of Illinois Chicago, where she works in the Library of the Health Sciences as a liaison to the College of Medicine. She loves working with medical students and their specific information needs. Her research agenda concerns systemic and structural anti-fatness in libraries, and she has also run sessions in the MD program on medical anti-fatness and the importance of weight-neutral care. In 2024 she had the great honor of being named Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year by her academic library peers.