North Carolina Rep. John Bradford loves disasters. He can’t seem to part ways with Donald Trump, and he sponsored and voted for HB2 – the discriminatory law that damaged the economy and tarnished the reputation of North Carolina.
Here’s a quick round-up of why Bradford is unqualified to lead North Carolina’s District 98:
1. He said discrimination is “common sense.”
Bradford says HB2 was “common sense” and “not discriminatory,” despite it literally banning discrimination protections for LGBTQ people statewide. (source)
2. He thinks Trump is “refreshing.”
Bradford refuses to denounce Trump and praised him as “refreshing.” Bradford said of Trump: “You can’t but help pull for someone like him.” (source)
3. He thinks sexual assault is bad, but not bad enough.
Bradford says he voted for HB2 to protect women, yet refuses to disavow Trump even after his comments bragging about sexually assaulting women. (source)
4. He wanted to divert money from disaster relief to pay for discrimination.
Bradford voted to strip $500,000 from the state’s Emergency Response and Disaster Relief Fund to cover legal fees from his disastrous HB2. This despite dire warnings about a significantly active hurricane season. (source)
5. He thinks companies aren’t bothered by discriminatory laws.
After drafting, sponsoring, and voting for HB2, Bradford said it would “not affect companies…North Carolina was one of the top states to do business in the country before this law was passed, and [this bill] won’t change that.” Estimates show the bill has cost $500 million in revenue and hundreds of jobs. (source)
6. He believes apologies are for others to give.
In a bizarre 5-minute video rant, Bradford criticizes Colin Kaepernick’s decision not to stand for the national anthem, and says: “It is never too late to admit you made a mistake.” Yet Bradford refuses to admit HB2 was a mistake, despite it tarnishing North Carolina’s reputation domestically and around the world. (source)
7. Because Bradford’s scaremongering should never become law.
“I do not support an open policy allowing men to use public restrooms, locker rooms and showers that are intended for use by women.” (source)
John Bradford is running against Victory Fund candidate Jane Campbell, who will be the only LGBTQ person in the state legislature when elected in November.