Chad West

Dallas City Council, District 1

Chad will continue to be an important voice for equality on the Dallas City Council!


Council Member Chad West proudly serves District 1 residents on the Dallas City Council. North Oak Cliff residents first elected West in May 2019 and reelected him in 2021 and 2023. West has lived in North Oak Cliff for nearly two decades. Prior to his election to City Council, West served on the Dallas City Plan Commission (CPC) from 2017 to 2018. There, West was a key advocate for and drafter of the Live-Work, Accessory Dwelling Units, and Inclusionary Zoning ordinances, all of which are currently being used by the City of Dallas today to create more rooftops for residents of all income levels. On Council, West continues to be one of the most vocal advocates for greater walkability, parking reform, connected neighborhoods, long-range area planning, workforce housing, and expansion of the parks and trails system. He is currently working to bring the first skateboard park to South Dallas.