Montana Superintendent of Public Instruction and at-large Congressional candidate Denise Juneau criticized her state’s attorney general for joining a 10-state lawsuit against the Obama Administration for its recent guidance on fairness toward transgender students.
Calling the suit wasteful, Juneau emphasized the role of local schools in welcoming all students. From KPAX:
“Attorney General Tim Fox has curiously joined a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Education, wasting taxpayers’ money,” said Juneau in a press release. “Here in Montana, we believe in local control of our public schools and trust our educators to do the right thing for all students. It’s wrong for Fox to politicize guidance on how schools should implement Title IX.”
Juneau is Montana’s only openly LGBTQ statewide elected official, and her incumbent opponent in Congress, Ryan Zinke, has a long history of anti-LGBTQ views. Zinke supports spending taxpayer money on companies that discriminate against LGBTQ people, said that last year’s Supreme Court ruling legalizing marriage equality “undermines religious freedom,” and has a 75 percent score from the Family Research Council’s PAC, which is an SPLC-designated hate group.
Juneau will become the first American Indian woman in Congress, and the first openly LGBTQ member of Congress from Montana.
Learn more about Denise Juneau and our other Spotlight Candidates at victoryfund.org/spotlight.