Georgia gubernatorial candidate Karen Handel grew tired of a reporter’s persistent questioning on LGBT issues in a one-on-one interview this week.
The former secretary of state is seeking the GOP nomination, but one of her opponents recently highlighted her past involvement with a local Log Cabin Republicans chapter. Handel praised the group’s activity on fiscal issues, but added she is opposed to marriage equality, civil unions and adoption by gays and lesbians.
Throughout the interview, Handel uses the phrase “marriage is between one man and one woman” so often, one supposes it was the only talking point on LGBT issues she’d written down. When WXIA-TV reporter Doug Richards tries to go deeper (video here), Handel finally says she’s “disappointed” in the questions:
Q: Would you favor outlawing gay adoptions?
A: Yeah, I would consider that, absolutely.
Q: Do you know any gay couples with children?
A: Not that I’m aware of.
Q: So you think gay couples are less qualified to function as parents than straight couples?
A: I think that for a child to be in a household — in a family in a household with a situation where the parents are not married, as in one man and one woman, is not the best household for a child.
Q: Is it better or worse than a single parent household?
A: Doug, I’m really trying to be straightforward with you but I’m not going to debate all the nuances. I’ve made it abundantly clear that I think that marriage is between a man and a woman. And that’s what I believe, and I don’t know what more you would like me to add to that.
Q: I guess I want to know why you think gay parents aren’t as legitimate as heterosexual parents.
A: Because I don’t.
Q: (Pause) Well, I realize that.
A: Well, Doug, we’re not going to spend the whole day discussing this issue. And you know, it ‘s really kind of disappointing — we invited you on this (leg of the bus trip).
Q: I know.
A: So we’re going to need to move on.