Joseph Falk

Joseph Falk

Board Position: Vice Chair

Joseph Falk is a licensed mortgage originator. Previously, he was President of Metropolitan Mortgage Company (MMC). MMC was part of a diversified portfolio of companies owned by the Falk family. These related financial services firms included mortgage lending and servicing, insurance company, and insurance agency assets. MMC was sold to Transamerica Corporation in 1997.

Joseph Falk is a past President (2001-2002) and Legislative Chairman of the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. NAMB represents the national interests of mortgage professionals in regulatory, educational, government and industry affairs. He was President of the Florida Association of Mortgage Professionals in 1995. Joseph Falk is the author of the NAMB’s ‘Model State Statute Initiative for the Licensing and Education of All Originators’. This effort lead to the introduction and passage of the S.A.F.E. Licensing Act passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bush in 2008. He has testified before Congress, both the House and the Senate, on how to improve the regulatory structure governing the mortgage industry. Joseph Falk currently teaches Federal and State regulatory continuing education classes in Florida.

In 2022, Joe was nominated by President Biden to serve on the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace.  He was confirmed by the US Senate in early 2023. In 2014, he was appointed by President Obama as a member of the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. This Board, structured through the Department of State, oversees the worldwide Fulbright Program. He served through December 2016.

Joseph Falk was a member of the Federal Reserve Board’s Consumer Advisory Council from 2007-2009.

Joe is active in the local community. He is a current Board member and was the Vice Chairman of the Board and Capital Campaign Chairman of the Frost Science Museum (a Smithsonian affiliate). A Board member since 1994, The Museum recently opened a new 250,000 square foot state of the art facility. Mr. Falk was a leader in the effort to secure $165 Million in County funding and was the Chairman of the $100 Million private fundraising effort. He was also a Board member of the Bakehouse Art Complex and has served as President and Board member of Beth David Jewish Congregation. He was a long serving Board member and past chairman of SAVE, a south Florida based LGBT political and advocacy organization.

Joe was a Florida Delegate to the 2024 DNC Convention and served as a Florida elector for the electoral College in 2012.

Joseph Falk is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Franklin and Marshall College in 1976 and received his MBA from the Harvard Business School in 1978. Joe is an avid amateur fine art photographer and enjoys tribal adventure travel. He now resides in Miami, Florida.