It was a great primary night for Victory-endorsed candidates — all of them are advancing to the general election in November. Here’s our rundown on last night:
In her race for US House (MN-02), Angie Craig was selected as the Democratic nominee and she will face conservative radio talk show host Jason Lewis (who won 46% in the Republican primary) in November.
In her race for VT State Senate, Debbie Ingram will be advancing to the November election with 6.79% (7,384 votes) of the vote in last night’s crowded primary. She will face Republican John Gifford in the general election.
Mark Pocan (US House WI-02) faced no primary opponents, and will face Republican Peter Theron in November.
Mark Spreitzer (WI State House Dist. 45) faced no primary opponents in his reelection bid.
John Scott (CT State House Dist. 40) faces no opponents in his reelection bid.