Above: Denise Juneau’s anti-LGBTQ opponent Ryan Zinke.
“A couple weeks ago, my good friend, Congressman Trey Gowdy visited Montana,” began US Rep. Ryan Zinke in his op-ed for the Glasgow Courier.
Reading the first sentence was enough for us.
Trey Gowdy is among the most notorious anti-LGBTQ members of Congress, having compared marriage equality to polygamy and incest, and opposing basic non-discrimination protects for LGBTQ people. That he is “good friends” with Zinke isn’t surprising – given Zinke voted to allow government contractors to discriminate against LGBTQ workers – but it provides a stark choice for Montanans when they enter the voting booth in November.
While Zinke and his hate-mongering birds of a feather use their power to attack LGBTQ people, Zinke’s opponent in the race, Victory-endorsed candidate Denise Juneau, has dedicated her life to serving all Montanans. As head of Montana’s public schools, she increased graduation rates to the highest level in state history, improving the lives of young people and boosting Montana’s economy. And as an openly lesbian woman she has vowed to serve all Montanans – and to forgo the nasty politics of division.
We need Denise’s voice in Congress come November.