We’re so excited to report two more wins: Charmaine McGuffey is now the first woman and openly LGBTQ elected Sheriff of Hamilton County, while Kristin Graziano made history as the first openly LGBTQ sheriff in South Carolina!
Charmaine McGuffey is the new sheriff of Hamilton County, Ohio. She beat the man who fired her for being an out lesbian. Sometimes there's justice pic.twitter.com/y8UzjuzZsy
— Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) November 4, 2020
Not only are these wins historic, but they’re a sign of positive change in law enforcement spaces. Both Charmaine and Kristin took on an old-boys network that thrived on abuse. Both women made police and prison reform pillars of their campaigns and have pledged to create more inclusive departments while increasing community outreach. And both spoke about how being a lesbian and a woman will make them better leaders. We’re thrilled they’ve won!
Congrats to Sheriffs-elect Charmaine McGuffey of Ohio and Kristin Graziano of SC! You’re part of a proud sisterhood of out lesbian sheriffs!
— Annise Parker (@AnniseParker) November 4, 2020