Angela Stroud

Wisconsin State Assembly, District 73

Angela will be the first out LGBTQ+ person to represent Northern Wisconsin in the Wisconsin State Assembly!


Angela Stroud is a sociologist who is running to represent the 73rd Assembly District in the Wisconsin Legislature. She has spent her career helping students understand how to make positive social change and create lives of purpose through living in community. Serving in the legislature will allow her to use her skills in understanding complexity, connecting communities, and making change in the pursuit of a more just world. When she’s not teaching or doing research, she spends her time living with the seasons: summers are for growing a garden, boating and hanging out on the beach, fishing, playing softball, camping, and having cookouts with friends and family. Fall is for canning and putting the garden to bed, processing apples, chopping firewood, hunting, and processing deer. Winter is all about skiing, reading by the fire, having a house full of friends, family, and hot food. When spring finally rolls around, it’s time to tap maple trees and boil sap, start planning the garden, and try to keep the dog from trashing the house with her muddy paws. Angela lives in the North Woods with her partner, step-son, and anti-social rescue dog, Mae.