Andrew Romano

Fairhaven Select Board, At-Large

Andrew will be the only out LGBTQ+ person on the Fairhaven Select Board!


My name is Andrew Romano, and I’m excited to announce I will be seeking a seat on the Fairhaven Select Board in the 2024 town election.

I am a real estate broker, small business owner and life-long Fairhaven resident, committed to making our town the best it can be. I currently serve as the President of the North Fairhaven Improvement Association and am a member of the Fairhaven Rotary Club. I am also a current member of the Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals and a Town Meeting Member.

I am no stranger to town government. I am a former Director of the Fairhaven Government Access Channel 18, where I sat in on all board, committee and town meetings. In that capacity I was also the staff liaison to the Cable Advisory Committee. Now, I want to use my experience gained and apply myself to a position that has a more direct impact on the lives of my fellow town residents.

I am excited to bring a fresh perspective to town leadership. My key areas of focus are diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI),community advocacy, economic development, transparency, and accountability.

I am excited to be an independent voice, and to use my skills to navigate the complex decision-making processes to help guide our town towards a prosperous future.

I thank you for the opportunity to meet you, and to earn your vote.