Susan Estep

Saline Area School Board

Susan was the first out LGBTQ+ person elected to the Saline Area School Board!


Susan Estep is Board Trustee for Saline Area Schools District. She’s currently serving a six-year term, and is running for re-election this November.

After becoming the first LGBTQ+ Board Trustee in 2018, Susan regularly uses her voice to advocate for LGBTQ+ students, staff, and families in the Saline community.

During her three years as Policy Chair, she introduced and drafted two significant policies; The Transgender and Nonbinary Students Policy, and the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Advisory Committee Policy. Both policies passed unanimously.

In 2022, she co-presented with two other LGBTQ+ school board trustees from across Michigan at the Michigan Association of School Boards Convention. They presented on the importance of inclusive sex education and how to include LGBTQ+ student voices in policy making. It was well attended and board members across Michigan were eager to learn more about supporting the LGBTQ+ students at their school districts.

With several years of experience as a student affairs professional in higher education and as a Board Trustee, Susan Estep has been a fierce advocate for public education and social justice.

She believes that it’s more important now than ever to fight for and protect public education. She’s running for re-election to continue to use her voice for those who are marginalized in her school district.