Congressional candidate Dr. Matt Heinz in Arizona went on the offensive this past week against incumbent Rep. Martha McSally.
The conservative congresswoman has criticized Trump’s statements attacking Gold Star families, but she has not fully denounced the candidate and his running mate, Mike Pence. While she said that she won’t endorse the controversial presidential candidate, she stated that she would consider voting for him.
Heinz was accompanied by retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Jeff Latas, who lost a son serving in Iraq.
At the press conference, Heinz demanded strong leadership, declaring that Trump is “unfit, temperamentally unfit, and it is absolutely incumbent upon our leaders, like Martha McSally to say… ‘not only do I condemn that statement but I condemn this entire operation.’”
Heinz maintained that it is not enough to condemn individual statements by Trump while also supporting the Republican nominee.
McSally has quite a bit in common with Trump’s running mate Mike Pence, who sought to block the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Like them, McSally has an abysmal track record on LGBTQ issues. In just the past few months the congresswoman has voted to block President Obama’s executive order against job discrimination and attempted to add a provision in a defense spending bill that would allow companies to claim religious liberty when refusing to hire LGBTQ individuals.
Heinz hopes to beat McSally this November and become Arizona’s first openly gay member of Congress. The Democratic primary is August 30.
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