Victory-endorsed candidate Tommy Greene has seen a surge in support in the past two months, and is now one point ahead of his opponent David Greenspan, according to internal polls. The poll shows the Ohio state legislative candidate is capturing 43 percent of the vote, compared to his opponent’s 42 percent, despite a barrage of television and mail attacks against Tommy in recent weeks.
The seven point gain since the August poll is a result of Tommy’s massive outreach efforts to voters across the District. His message is clearly resonating – including his pledge to support equal pay for women, oppose education cuts and protect the local environment. And the new poll comes just days after Tommy was upgraded to the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee’s list of Essential Races – indicating the significance of his race to the Democratic Party’s efforts to win back key legislative seats.
Tommy needs to get his message out to as many voters as possible in the next three weeks. Contribute to Tommy’s campaign today, so we can secure another LGBTQ voice in the Ohio legislature come November.