Our Candidates

We work to build long-term LGBTQ+ political power by helping elect LGBTQ+ leaders at every level of government.

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    William Ostash

    Saginaw City Council
    Saginaw, Michigan
    Bill will continue to be an important voice for equality on the Saginaw City Council!
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    Laurie Pohutsky

    State Representative
    Laurie was the first out bisexual legislator elected in the state of Michigan!
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    Travis Radina

    Ann Arbor City Council
    Ann Arbor, Michigan
    Travis will continue to be an important voice for equality on the Ann Arbor City Council!
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    Katie Scott

    Washtenaw County Commission
    Ann Arbor, Michigan
    Katie was the first out lesbian to be elected to the Washtenaw County Commission!
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    Justin Sheldon

    Grand Rapids Township Supervisor
    Grand Rapids Township, Michigan
    Justin will be the first out LGBTQ+ Supervisor in Grand Rapids Township!
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    Kyle Wright

    Michigan House of Representatives
    Kyle will be an important voice for equality in the Michigan House of Representatives!