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William Brownsberger
Massachusetts State SenateMassachusettsWilliam is the only out pansexual person in the Massachusetts state legislature!Julian Cyr
Massachusetts State SenateMassachusettsJulian will maintain LGBTQ+ representation of the Cape and Islands District!Natalie Higgins
Massachusetts House of RepresentativesLeominster, MassachusettsNatalie will continue to be a voice for equality in the Massachusetts House of Representatives!Thomas Moakley
Massachusetts House of RepresentativesMassachusettsThomas will be the first out LGBTQ+ person to represent his district in the Massachusetts House of Representatives!Samantha Montaño
Massachusetts House of RepresentativesMassachusettsSam was the first out LGBTQ+ person of color elected to the Massachusetts legislature!John Moran
Massachusetts House of RepresentativesMassachusettsJohn will continue to be an important voice for equality in the Massachusetts House of Representatives!Jack Patrick Lewis
Massachusetts House of RepresentativesMassachusettsJack will continue to bring important representation to the Massachusetts House of Representatives!Andrew Romano
Fairhaven Select BoardFairhaven, MassachusettsAndrew will be the only out LGBTQ+ person on the Fairhaven Select Board!Adam Scanlon
Massachusetts House of RepresentativesNorth Attleboro, MassachusettsAdam will continue to be an important voice for equality in Massachusetts!